Monday, November 20, 2017

What Went Wrong?

In terms of the coalition failure, basically seven things.

1. Merkel charm has decreased in the last four years, even if journalists say otherwise. 

2. You needed four parties to agree to an agenda, and that's never been done in German politics before.

3. This long discussion on tax relief (led by the FDP) failed because of the Greens.

4. Total SPD and CDU votes were about 55 percent, meaning the lowest total since WWII.

5. Immigration issues ate up a lot of coalition talks, with no clear outcome.

6. The news media hype just never amounted to much.  They spent tons of time on Merkel and Schulz.  The other parties got minimum face time.

7. It becomes obvious now that two elements of the Green Party exists.  The public is amused by the divide of the two.

Another election? I doubt if it gets to a clear end.

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